Hibiscus Three

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Can't imagine a hibiscus with these beautiful flowers all over it. I took this in the office kitchen, on the black glass cooktop.
Acts like a black mirror.


TMR8 - Mar 15, 2008 03:59 AM EDT
fantastic capture I love the colours and the lighting. Very cleaver idea using the stove top
Guest - May 14, 2005 11:31 PM EDT
Thank you. I don't know what my friend does to pamper these hibiscus but whatever she's doing works. She says they are winter-tender here in NW FL and must be grown in pots, and brought in in the winter. My boss is an attorney and the building is very plush. Granite countertops all over the place. I used a Sony DSC F828. With that and the F717 I have discovered a little trick. I put a lollipop wrapper in my camera bag (I used a small piece of paper towel here) over the pop up flash. It can be very harsh and leaves a crescent shadow in the bottom of the picture. The paper will prevent that from happening.
Guest - May 14, 2005 02:44 PM EDT
very pretty, great shot. have never seen the mauve colour in hibiscus before. neat idea using the glass topped stove. we don't have one yet tho : )
Guest - May 14, 2005 11:49 AM EDT
You did a great job of catching the incredible colors.
Guest - May 14, 2005 09:24 AM EDT
Absolutly beautiful
Guest - May 14, 2005 08:23 AM EDT
Very Pretty with the dark background. Carol
Guest - May 14, 2005 12:15 AM EDT
Very clever, I love it!

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