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Member: Pinetree3
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About This Image

This is a photograph of a painting. The painting is of my great grandmother, Henrietta. The painting was made around 1851. Henrietta and her twin sister, lived to be the oldest living twins in the world, each living to age 100. This record was broken about forty years later.

The photo was shot in a sepia tone effect and later enhanced to bring out the details.


Guest - Jan 18, 2005 03:10 AM EDT
Sorry this is the only photograph I have of either of the two sisters.
Guest - Jan 14, 2005 09:09 PM EDT
very nice painting. and very interesting to hear about the twins and their great age. Do you have any photos of the twins together. Would love to see that. Twins feature often in my dad's lines, altho they are boy/girl twins, back thru the generations : )
Guest - Jan 14, 2005 01:50 PM EDT
Beautiful picture of GGrandmother and for twins living to 100 years old that is remarkable. Thanks for sharing. Carol
Guest - Jan 14, 2005 01:47 PM EDT
This is very nice. She looks like she had a strong character.
Guest - Jan 14, 2005 06:33 AM EDT
How wonderful - and it's good to see you've been able to lend your own artistic skills to the portrait.

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