Gulf Fritillary and Grape Leaf

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Member: May
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It was cold last night here in the panhandle. Took a drive up the road and found this Gulf Fritillary waking up on a grape leaf. It's amazing it found this red grape leaf to sleep on or under. I have watched this species prepare for the night before. They hold the tips of their antennae together, then proceed to drain the color from their bodies. They resemble a dead leaf, and hang there until the morning where their colors are repumped and they bask enough to get themselves up and running (they are exothermic).


Guest - Oct 16, 2006 12:56 PM EDT
Really nice shot of the Fritillary.. That is something with it picking that leaf, it looks like the leaf could fall anytime. I also did not know they could change there colors to fade into the woodwork for the nights sleep.
Guest - Oct 15, 2006 09:59 PM EDT
very interesting, May. have never seen them draining the colour from their bodies. nice shot also.

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