Guess where I took this from

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Member: Chimerical
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About This Image

Guess what I used to take this pic. I didn't take it upside down, or use a computer effect, special lens, just my Sony DSC-P100. A handheld.


Guest - May 18, 2005 02:27 PM EDT
Zoya's right! I took it as a souveneir when I was abducted yesterday! lol just kidding! Kudro's right, ya'll too smart lol.. I experimented a lot with that old cd. It produced a hecka lotta cool effects if you would like to see.
Guest - May 18, 2005 02:25 PM EDT
cool effect. It does look like the underside of a CD. Excellent as is also looks like a UFO well now hold on maybe it is a UFO hehehheheheh Z
Guest - May 18, 2005 01:12 PM EDT
You took it from the underside of a cd or dvd.

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