Grandad Cashman

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Member: Mary Slade
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This is my Grandad. My Mum's Dad. He died when she was just two.


Guest - Feb 21, 2006 07:00 AM EDT
Thanks for writing with that Alandra. I remembered that you lived in Hampshire. How fascinating to find out the long links with ships and the navy. I hadn't realised that there were only two Andromedas. I must tell my Mum and see did she know. I'm not one for contests ususlly, but I'll have a look! Thanks Alandra.
Guest - Feb 21, 2006 12:18 AM EDT
Hi again Mary, am wondering if you know about the monthly contests we have? It'd be nice if you entered also.
Guest - Feb 20, 2006 01:52 PM EDT
Hi Mary, after asking you about "Andromeda" ship, I did a search on Google and found that there have been 2 ships with that name in the Royal Navy. One back in the late 1800's and one more recent. Amazing the info a person can find out via Google, isn't it! Some of my Hampshire ancestors were timber merchants and shipbuilders in/nr the New Forest, Hants, the Wyatt brothers, - who built the first warship ("The Surprise") for the Royal Navy.
Guest - Feb 20, 2006 11:44 AM EDT
Thanks for writing Carol. I'm awful at geography, but if my map reading is right, then Uldale is the Lake District. That is a really beautiful place.
Guest - Feb 20, 2006 08:42 AM EDT
I also love to see the oldie pictures, im very much into genealogy.My ancestors were from Uldale, England on my Dads side. Carol
Guest - Feb 20, 2006 07:25 AM EDT
Thanks Alandra. It was your great old pictures which made me want to do this. I keep going back to that beautiful one of your paternal grandmother (also keep looking at your wonderful "Sunset Boundary" pictures!). I must show my Mum the photos of your RN Dad. You have the name of the ship exactly right. He was in the navy alright, but not for as long as your Dad- just amazing to hear of different lives.
Guest - Feb 20, 2006 07:15 AM EDT
Thanks Mary. I asked my Mum and she says he was about only 18 or 20 when this was taken- the only one they have of him. I guess he must have been born roundabout the end of the 1800's. It so amazes me I can now have it on a computer!
Guest - Feb 19, 2006 04:29 PM EDT
good looking man, Mary. Love these "oldie" photos. Am trying to read the name of the ship on the hatband "Andromeda"? Was your Grandfather in the Royal Navy? - my Dad was in the RN for 26 years. there are some pics of him on my gallery also.
Guest - Feb 19, 2006 02:53 PM EDT
Handsome young man. Thanks for sharing Do you know how old he was when this photo was taken?Mary.

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