Graffiti Tug on the Hudson River

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Member: TravlynWomyn
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Every summer I fall in love with the area I'm Workamping in. This summer I'm off in the foothills of New York's Catskill Mountains and the vistas are never-ending. Weather water or mountain, there's always something new around each corner. On our way to a trolly museum in Kingston - the first capitol of New York, I spotted this fascinating tugboat along the edge of the renowned waterway. Even boats cannot escape graffiti artists!


TravlynWomyn - Jul 06, 2008 10:26 PM EDT
It's definitely the most colorful one I've ever seen! Vicki
lorraine - Jul 06, 2008 04:40 PM EDT
Looks like alot of paint has gone into this work of art,
TravlynWomyn - Jul 06, 2008 10:00 AM EDT
Hi Alex - thank you for looking - I thought it was rather fun to view. It looks as if she is srill in use as she was moored by two others - but the only 'Painted Lady' on the river. Vicki
whittler113 - Jul 06, 2008 07:42 AM EDT
What a neat shot,I would think their art would sell if they put it on their own canvas.

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