Good Eatin'

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My delightful neighbors love to keep out birdseed for their many flying visitors. We've all discovered that deer are partial to the birdseed, so they take their feeders inside at night. A few days ago, Dee heard a loud noise on her patio and was stunned to see a bear demolishing her birdfeeder. They threw the destroyed feeders away and bought new ones . . . this morning I was called over to see this fella happily at work polishing off the seed from their now-destroyed NEW feeder! (I wonder if they can get the feeders in bulk-rate somewhere!!!)


Guest - Jul 19, 2007 02:00 PM EDT
Good morning lorraine and Alex. I admit that I did get in my truck to take these images as Mike was having a fit when I tried to walk around the back side of Larry's RV for a more unobstructed sight. I'm glad you enjoy shot! I'm glad you enjoyed this, Alex. I was afraid he'd run off if I walked up to Dee's door, as she had a great visual from her living room. Vicki
Guest - Jul 19, 2007 05:02 AM EDT
This guy looks like he made himself right at home. Must have been exciting to have this run-in. Now you have some photo evidence to accompany one of your on-the-road tales.
Guest - Jul 18, 2007 08:40 PM EDT
That's right I forgot you have trailers, but its nice to see the bears, distructive rat bag is'nt he, so long as they don't cause to much damage and no one hurt thats all that really matters. it would be so neat to have a wild deer eat from your hand.
Guest - Jul 18, 2007 06:28 PM EDT
Actually, Mary - he made no move to come towards me, and Mike made me stay in the truck to get these images. Don't forget, lorraine - our 'houses' are both fifth wheel trailers! There have been no tales of bear attacks. This guy did walk under Larry and Dee's awning, but not finding anything, went back to the bird seed. They said they'll stop feeding the regular birds, but Larry finally got a doe to eat out of his hand, so there will still be corn on the ground. It's never boring! Vicki
Guest - Jul 18, 2007 06:15 PM EDT
He looks very content sitting there, I'd be a bit concerned about him trying to get into the house also, maybe he will have to be given a bit of a hurry up to move on, or maybe a couple of days with out food around he'll move on by him self? nice capture.
Guest - Jul 18, 2007 05:47 PM EDT
He's made himself right at home there. It looks like he is looking right at you. Did he make any move in your direction? Sorry for the questions....just curious. Do you think they could try to come in the tear open a screen door? Since he's found food there he will no doubt keep coming back.

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