Gator Pair Along the Tamiami Trail

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Member: TravlynWomyn
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In the Spring, people flock to the Tamiami Trail to see the American Alligators which have made a great comeback after being hunted nearly to extinction. They don't seem to be bothered by Humans and their cameras - but they do keep a wary eye out. Thank heaven for zoom lenses, as once you realize that you too are being watched, the feeling's a bit uncomfortable - after all, they are in the wild and you are on their turf.


TravlynWomyn - Apr 22, 2008 05:29 PM EDT
Hee, hee! You're right, my friend! They are pretty toothy . . . think I'll keep my distance a bit and rely on the zoom!!! Vicki
alandrapal - Apr 21, 2008 05:15 AM EDT
Hi Vicki, can see the algae now that you mention it. What I was noticing prior to seeing your comment tho', was the row of teeth along the front of lower jaw! lol. Looks like a bit of an evil grin, too :) Great shot.
TravlynWomyn - Apr 20, 2008 04:54 PM EDT
Hi Jas - These fellas were in the Everglades National Preserve along US 41, near Midway Campground. Aren't they amazing to see in the wild like that? This chap had the most algae attached to it that I've seen. We camped there for 4 nights - it was an amazing experience. Vicki
Jas - Apr 20, 2008 03:16 PM EDT
Really nice shot of the Alligator! You've caught nice detail of it's spiny back. We saw some in The Everglades, earlier this year, they really are fascinating to watch and quite prehistoric looking. :)

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