Garden Treasure

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Score: 12.03
Views: 88
Member: lorraine
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A large pot my daughter found in another part of her garden, she pulled it out and moved around to the front of the house, it looks quite nice where she's put it.


lorraine - Mar 25, 2008 02:15 PM EDT
Thanks Ann for looking in, I dont think its that old, I think its being made to have quite a rustic look about it.
anne - Mar 23, 2008 05:25 PM EDT
A treasure indeed! The flowers surrounding it add their beauty to the picture. It is a very interesting find! I wonder how old it is and if that is an intersting crack on the bottom part of the neck of pot. Is it an antique? It has that look.
lorraine - Feb 28, 2008 02:40 PM EDT
Thankyou Ann, she found such a nice spot in her garden for this, it looked really good there.
A.Lovely - Feb 26, 2008 07:40 PM EDT
What a nicely captured garden pot and ground cover. Great variations of green in this picture Lorraine.
lorraine - Feb 26, 2008 05:11 PM EDT
Thankyou jas and carol i'm pleased you like this one.
Jas - Feb 26, 2008 02:25 PM EDT
The different tones of green in this shot are really nice Lorraine. Lovely pot!
shutterbug - Feb 26, 2008 06:00 AM EDT
This makes a lovely photo, great composition and would make great greeting card. Carol

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