Feral Kitten

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Member: marysham
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One of the feral kittens that I feed. There are 6 of them and I don't know what to do. They run to the door when I open it but won't let me touch them. When I step out, they run and then cautiously come back to eat. They are all so pretty.

I just cropped and framed this photo.


Guest - Sep 29, 2006 01:12 AM EDT
Thanks Carol, Beverly and Alex for commenting. Alandra, thanks for the comment and I'm worried SICK about the problem and winter coming too. I will try to do something. Don, thanks for the nice comment and all of the kittens look well groomed and are pretty.
Guest - Sep 27, 2006 07:32 PM EDT
WOW!! great effects,he does look like a curious little critter.
Guest - Sep 27, 2006 11:00 AM EDT
Gorgeous little face on this kitten! Carol
Guest - Sep 27, 2006 09:42 AM EDT
Very nice capture Mary, The framing looks great that way. That is the cleanest looking feral cat I've ever seen. Most of the ones I've had contact with are not as well groomed. Good shot! Don
Guest - Sep 27, 2006 08:08 AM EDT
Sweet looking little cat. And such eyes. Very nice framing job.
Guest - Sep 27, 2006 01:23 AM EDT
how pretty she is. It's good of you to feed them. But it will be a problem once they all start to multiply, which they will do, as you are aware I'm sure. Perhaps you should call someone for help to "trap" them so that they can be spayed/neutered and returned there. There are people here who do this, - I helped get this going for some stray cats some years ago, that were over running an alley in Vancouver, where a friend lived. This group set cages out to trap the cats, and a vet provided the services at a discount, and all the cats were spayed, neutered and returned, as neighbours offered to continue feeding them. All but one male who was too sick and had to be put down. They fight if they arent neutered, and he got injured and infected. Good luck with this, Mary.

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