Farewell to Smokey

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Our cat, Smokey, hiding out in a sack
Smokey died about two weeks ago. As the end drew near, I realized more and more how much I appreciated her company and purring affinity. She was a great lap cat. We used to sleep together in the big easy chair, with me stretched out and her snoozing on my lap.. Needless to say, we miss her terribly.


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Guest - Dec 16, 2007 11:27 PM EDT
An update on Lilly. Turns out Lilly is really Willie. He acted so much like a female cat, we just assumed. The vet had a good laugh when he discovered that she is a he.
Guest - Mar 15, 2006 11:00 PM EDT
Thanks May. As one animal goes, another seems to come right along and adopt us. Before Aspen (our black lab) died, Smokey joined us. As the end was nearing for Smokey, Lilly came along. So, we still have one cat. Lilly is the most polite animal I have ever been around. She seems very anxious to not offend. We treat her very tenderly so as not to make her feel bad.
Guest - Feb 21, 2006 09:31 PM EDT
It's been a bad year for me, too, and I know how you're feeling. I have lost my two birds, three dogs in less than a year. I am now waiting for one more - Louie, who is 16, blind and deaf. I took photos of the dogs that I knew were close to the end. It is always so sad when they go. But we have the gift of compassion and if we love them, at least we can let them go peacefully. God bless. There's a kitten or a cat that needs you now. Make room.
Guest - Dec 12, 2005 07:42 PM EDT
Yes indeed. I really love dogs and cats. Some of them are such characthers!
Guest - Dec 08, 2005 05:08 PM EDT
Sorry to hear about the death of your kitty. Yes, pets (and I think especially cats and horses) are treasured gifts God has given us human beings to learn from of How Good and Great He Is towards us.
Guest - Nov 11, 2005 01:44 PM EDT
We too are sorry to hear the loss of your soft Smokey and realize that pets are so much like family and hard to say good-bye when they finally part.Bless her little soul.
Guest - Sep 14, 2005 03:36 AM EDT
Thank you Websphinx. I was just telling Marsha today that I sure do miss Smokey.
Guest - Sep 13, 2005 08:54 PM EDT
What a beautiful and special creature Smokey was. I feel so sad for your loss.
Guest - Aug 26, 2005 03:34 PM EDT
Thank you. I still choke up when I think of her.
Guest - Aug 25, 2005 10:58 PM EDT
I have a tear in my eye, and a heaviness in my heart for you Gary. She was beautiful - and does look like the softest moggy in the world, she was obviously among the most loved!
Guest - Aug 23, 2005 04:16 AM EDT
Thanks Nate. I just keep missing her. She had the softest fur of any animal I ever touched.
Guest - Jun 23, 2005 11:15 AM EDT
Such a beautiful cat and picture.. looks like a realist acryllic. I am so sorry for your loss. I've had many cats that have come and gone. It's very sad. Maybe you will see her, maybe you will.
Guest - Jun 18, 2005 06:56 PM EDT
Thanks Dud and Tam. I think like you Dud. I think maybe I'll see her later on. I have to think that way. Too hard otherwise.
Guest - Jun 18, 2005 06:13 PM EDT
Gary so sorry to hear this. I will miss her too as we to get our cats photos mixed up. I would not trade the companionship of my pets in order to avoid the loss. I love my 4 legged critters. rest her soul T
Guest - Jun 18, 2005 04:43 PM EDT
Gary, I am very sorry to hear about Smokey. I imagine you will see Smokey in the Great Here After.
Guest - Jun 18, 2005 03:04 PM EDT
Thank you Mary and Alandra and km. For those of us who love animals, this is something we must all face. Our lives are so much longer than those of our pets, so it is a certainty that we will eventually have a loss. However, I wouldn't give up one day of any of my pet's company in order to avert that loss.
Guest - Jun 18, 2005 01:34 AM EDT
It is so difficult to lose a companion animal. Thank you for sharing this wonderful photo and allowing us to share her memory.
Guest - Jun 17, 2005 11:31 PM EDT
Oh Gary and Marsha, only just saw this sad news about Smokey. Know how you feel, as we grieve for our pets too, when they leave us. Never forget any of them. they all have a special place in our hearts & memories. We have a yellow Lab who is getting old, plus an old cat too - it's so hard to believe so much time could have passed by since these pets came to live here, altho Maggie, the Lab, was training to be a Guide Dog when we first brought her home here, so we did not know we'd be keeping her then.
Guest - Jun 17, 2005 09:50 PM EDT
I too am sorry to hear of Smokey's passing. I seem to recall a photo you posted of you with Smokey on your lap. My thoughts are with you. Our pets are family too.
Guest - Jun 17, 2005 09:33 PM EDT
Thank you so much, Carol and Alex. I know how important animals are to you, so I appreciate your sentiments very much. Gary
Guest - Jun 17, 2005 01:43 PM EDT
We are so saddened to hear of Smokeys death, Our thoughts and sympathy are with you and Marsha at this difficult time. Carol and Alex.

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