Dwarf Sunflowers

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Member: A.Lovely
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I deadheaded the first bloom on this plant and now
I have many blooms blossoming on the Dwarf Sunflower
once again.


I suspect there's st

Francisca - Oct 13, 2015 03:13 PM EDT
I suspect there's still some evnratpoaspiration going on, mainly due to the delayed growing season this year and this past week's heat.. corn for example, a major moisture source, is just maturing now in many areas which is later than usual. Dewpoints south of us in ND were only in the midteens (e.g. Fargo) so I suspect the higher dewpoints we saw today were locally enhanced.Even so, I was surprised how humid it got this afternoon after such a cool morning (down to 11C) Those southerly winds will be even stronger tomorrow (gusting 60 up the valley) which will help ventilate those hot and humid conditions somewhat. As Scott alluded to, looks like we could see some severe weather by Thursday evening as cold front approaches SW MB. Looks like we're finally getting our July weather!
A.Lovely - Jul 18, 2008 11:19 AM EDT
Hi there Whittler, Thank you for viewing and leaving a comment. As far as seeds, these flowers are so small I didn't know or see any seeds. The blossom is about three inches across. I just took a chance when I deadheaded the three original blossoms. They were gone and I had nothing to lose. Then all these buds came on the stalks. It was a bonus for me to view. Hope that answers your question.
whittler113 - Jul 18, 2008 07:14 AM EDT
A great sunflower shot Ann,I didn't know that deadheading will prompt more blossoms on sunflowers.Do you wait till the seeds are fully formed?
A.Lovely - Jul 16, 2008 10:11 AM EDT
Thank you Carol, Alan and Zoya for viewing and leaving a comment on my photograph.
Zoya - Jul 15, 2008 02:30 PM EDT
Gorgeous flowers. I planted them this year, but alas they died off with out even a bloom. Z
bubbalinn - Jul 15, 2008 02:11 PM EDT
Wonderful view of the Sunflower. These are my favorites of them all. When ever I see them along the road I always want to stop and take there photos...
shutterbug - Jul 15, 2008 11:16 AM EDT
Beautiful Sunflowers! Carol

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