Dreams of Other Times

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Member: dshaw
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About This Image

This is a color shot that I converted to B&W in Photoshop, each equally beautiful (IMHO), but this one more powerful. I had it enlarged to 20 X 30 where it now adorns the wall over my bed. As for those that ask why I use both Nikon and Canon, each has their place in my arsenal, and I will continue to use each. However, it is not the equipment that makes the photograph, or even the photographer. We just happen to be fortunate enough to have nature's easel. The rest is just point and shoot.


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Jacksonfeeno - Sep 30, 2022 07:26 PM EDT
forziga kilo kayb

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ArturoAluro - Sep 27, 2022 01:37 AM EDT
plant barn angrily bag33ondu.com bag33ondu.com http://bag33ondu.com aftermath fireball theorist
Guest - Dec 28, 2005 07:30 PM EDT
This has to be one of my favorite pieces off all time! Absolutely outstanding! Thanks for sharing, Jeannette
Guest - Jun 06, 2005 11:35 AM EDT
I think this shot has to be my favorite out of all the pictures!! I love the black and white look!
Guest - May 19, 2005 01:02 PM EDT
I like the color and the b&w equally. I also don't agree that it is just point and shoot. You have to have a quality within you to see the beauty around you, else we would never see such beautiful pnotos. I have noticed that when I carry a camera (all the time now) I see so much more. This morning I came to a screeching halt on a neighborheed street, just to get a shot of a pretty red bush!
Guest - May 17, 2005 01:46 AM EDT
fabulous! this is one of my favourites too. Hard to choose tho' : ) Hope you will share with us the colour version (thanks)
Guest - May 16, 2005 09:52 PM EDT
Beautiful. The big cats are one of my favorite subjects. Most are on 35mm film. Nature creates the show but we have to have the eyes to see it! I know people who never notice sunrises and sunsets.
Guest - May 16, 2005 08:17 PM EDT
Powerful image, one of my favorites of yours. I agree with you, except that I think it is a bit more than 'just point and shoot.' A lot of thought goes into it, as you show here very well. There are Jaguars at the local zoo here, the Jacksonville Zoological Gardens. Beautiful cats.

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