Dance with me

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Score: 31.15
Views: 1398
Member: Sonja Rasche
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Friesian Stallion Inte with Luki and Oscar


anne - Apr 08, 2008 04:51 PM EDT
Beautiful stallion!! And the dogs really seem to be dancing with him! At first glance it seems they are on the water - then one see that the earth is torn up around them. Still the ground has a touch of white - as foaming water. *G* At 81, one lives in an between time and sees many things that aren't there for others. *g* Lovely picture!
Photo_Bug - Feb 11, 2008 04:47 PM EDT
Amazing shot!! Beautiful photograph with so much feeling in the movements... I agree, it looks like a painting!!
Guest - Feb 19, 2007 03:21 AM EDT
That is a beautiful horse with the arched neck and long mane. Great action shot with the dirt clods caught in mid-air. The pose reminds me of a statue. Well done.
Guest - Aug 19, 2006 06:11 PM EDT
I agree, it does resemble a painting. Great capture. Am wondering if the dogs and stallion are friends and if they are playing, or if the dogs are annoying the stallion.
Guest - Aug 19, 2006 02:48 PM EDT
WOW!! very nice.
Guest - Aug 19, 2006 10:54 AM EDT
Another great horse capture Sonja! Super capture, very nice! Don
Guest - Aug 19, 2006 10:40 AM EDT
Stunning photo of this majestic stallion. It looks like a painting. Does he along with the dogs belong to you and what is his name? voted

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