Christmas clock

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Score: 16.32
Views: 301
Member: marysham
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About This Image

A Christmas clock I made for a friend using photos of her Grandchildren.


Guest - Aug 02, 2007 09:27 PM EDT
Mary this is a wonderful idea and beautifuly presented by you.
Guest - Dec 16, 2005 09:39 PM EDT
Thanks Deb,Carol, Alan and Alex for your comments. Deb, I used the photos provided by the Grandmother and scanned them in.
Guest - Dec 14, 2005 10:17 AM EDT
Another WOW!! those clocks sure do make a nice gift,great idea.
Guest - Dec 14, 2005 10:13 AM EDT
Great Job Mary!! Your friend will cherish it for sure. Better make two more for the grandchildren, they will want one in around 15 or 20 years :) "Time" Flies you know... A Funny..
Guest - Dec 14, 2005 03:48 AM EDT
What a lovely Gift for your friend, very nice!!! Carol
Guest - Dec 13, 2005 09:48 PM EDT
Quite a nifty idea :) Did you tale the photos yourself, or scan them? I'm sure your friend will really cherish it.

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