Chilled WinterBerries

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Score: 17.96
Views: 55
Member: A.Lovely
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About This Image

This capture is of some winterberries that I have placed in a metal cage used for decorating my deck during the winter months. The winterberries are found in moist areas in the northeast. Their color is stark against the greens and brown colored vegatation that grow nearby.  Often you will see these winterberries while driving down secondary roads and bring  a refreshingly brightness to the season. Here in on my deck, it had just snowed and it gave a wonderful topping to the red berries. Thank you for viewing.


Great contrasting red

Orchidea_blue - Jan 17, 2012 11:13 PM EDT
It sure is a very contrasting winter shot, bright red against the white snow!

Beautiful Photo!

~Alan~ - Jan 17, 2012 05:51 PM EDT
What a wonderful winter photo.. I really like it! Great background and the redness of the berries really pops, and the snow on them is so pretty.

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