Chicken Run

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Member: Lulu
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A trip to the neighbours stirred a mass chicken run. I think they thought it was feeding time.


Guest - Aug 08, 2005 08:53 PM EDT
Thanks Mary. I like the chicken wire also. The other chicken photo I have titled "here chook chook" was taken through the wire but I prefer this shot as it is multiple chickens and especially like how the white one on the rights "waddle" or whatever that red thing is on its neck, seems to be swaying as if in rapid movement - which they were. It seems I know just as much about chickens as I do about cows. My sister will no doubt correct me on the parts of the chicken I have just labelled :-)
Guest - Aug 08, 2005 09:52 AM EDT
Nice shot of the chickens. Even the "chicken wire" fence adds to the photo.
Guest - Aug 08, 2005 06:26 AM EDT
Thanks for your comment Mel. Might wander over the road and try some of their other animals.
Guest - Jul 27, 2005 02:42 AM EDT
This is pretty clear Lulu. I love it.
Guest - Jul 24, 2005 03:21 AM EDT
Thanks for your comment Shizz. I like to take photos of animals but like I commented above, they move so fast that I sometimes have trouble getting a clear shot. I think I'm getting better though.
Guest - Jul 22, 2005 04:58 AM EDT
Cool Chickens! Neat picture!
Guest - Jul 18, 2005 06:41 AM EDT
Thanks for the comment. I'm a real amateur but hoping the comments with improve my photography. Always up for a little constructive criticism. Chickens make interesting subjects. Trouble is they move so fast!
Guest - Jul 18, 2005 06:16 AM EDT
This is a good chicken picture. I think they are always hungry.

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