Cedar Waxwing

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Member: alandrapal
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beautiful Cedar Waxwing checking out our front patio. captured from open front window with telephoto lens. Believe this is the female of the pair that visited yesterday


sparkle1103 - Jun 11, 2008 12:17 PM EDT
It looks like a brown cardinal. Beautiful bird. Love the tuft on its head.
alandrapal - Mar 03, 2008 02:13 AM EDT
thanks for sharing this, Karen, how nice. I'll always think of this when these cedar waxwings visit us from now onwards. Experiences such as this are special. Had a similar one with a band tailed pigeon many years ago, it had hit our front window and stunned itself somewhat, but had managed to flap over our patio area and land at the edge of our front lawn, near the roadway of our quiet cul-de-sac. When I went out to check, one of our cats was circling the pigeon, so I had to pick the bird up and carry it to the back garden and place it on a branch, hoping it would soon recover and fly away safely. Dusk was setting in soon after. As I carried the lovely pigeon down our back steps, holding it in both hands, could see its lovely eyes watching me "with trust" it seemed. Never forgot that sight. The feathers had a beautiful feel to them too. In the morning, I hoped it had flown safely away, but no, it was still where I'd placed it, so was afraid it was more hurt than I'd realized. However, as I watched, it suddenly flew away, which made me very happy.
Karen Moen - Mar 02, 2008 01:48 AM EDT
This is a beautiful photo. You captured the markings perfectly. I had a chance to hold one of these lovely birds after it fell from the sky. It was migrating and became fatigued. I gave it sugar water and let it rest in a warm dark box. After an hour I released it to continue on its way. It was a great experience for me.
Guest - Aug 26, 2007 05:57 PM EDT
Hi Anne, thanks so much, am happy it gives you pleasure to view it and brings back lovely memories for you. I am going to find it on my computer and send you an email version of the same image, as soon as I can locate it. love from Alandra
Guest - Aug 26, 2007 03:50 PM EDT
What a magnificent, beautiful cedar waxwing! A terrific shot of it. These are some of the same type birds that Ted and I used to watch at our bird tree. This picture is a winner. Wow!! Great shot.
Guest - May 30, 2007 03:19 PM EDT
thanks again, Cindy, glad you enjoyed it. I love these birds and it's a treat when they visit us as it's not that often. Think I'll darken this image up a bit and resubmit it.
Guest - May 30, 2007 07:39 AM EDT
And again, you astound us with another fine photograph. I do like this one Alandra, really nice!
Guest - May 30, 2007 04:26 AM EDT
many thanks, Beverly. think I lightened it too much tho', and plan to re submit. It is hard to see birds' eyes when they have that dark band on their faces, like the chickadees also :)
Guest - May 29, 2007 10:16 PM EDT
EXcellent shot - good catchlight in his eye.
Guest - May 28, 2007 11:50 PM EDT
many thanks to all, Plumeriagrl, Carol, Janice, Alex for the nice comments, happy you like them. I also like the little topknot in some of them. They are very handsome birds.
Guest - May 28, 2007 09:25 PM EDT
I like that little top knot on the top of it's head, it really stands out in this capture. Beautiful colors.
Guest - May 28, 2007 08:40 PM EDT
Gorgeous shot.
Guest - May 28, 2007 07:30 PM EDT
WOW!! what a great shot,he sure is a pretty bird.
Guest - May 28, 2007 07:01 PM EDT
Gorgeous capture of this beautiful bird and all the photos of the Cedar Waxwings. Carol
Guest - May 28, 2007 05:08 PM EDT
thankyou Ikka and Lorraine. Think perhaps I lightened this up too much, but some of my recent images have been showing up too dark on some screens, so decided to lighten this one, but I might re send it, as these birds are a richer colour than this.
Guest - May 28, 2007 04:54 PM EDT
Very lovely birds, I wish we had such a choice over here.
Guest - May 28, 2007 04:25 PM EDT
Alandra, I think you live in the "paradise", a perfectly shot with a nice bird!

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