Blind Mama Raccoon, drinking

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here's the blind Mama raccoon again, drinking at our water fountain on the front patio, early February. She has been visiting us each morning for several weeks, but we didn't see her here today.


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alandrapal - Jun 06, 2008 02:15 AM EDT
Hi Karen, thanks, -- we do know about feeding them cat kibble and raw eggs :) and grapes, they love those too. Mama seemed to get tired of the donut habit that she was into, lol, so I quit buying them for her. Even at that, we made sure to give her the more nourishing food first to make sure she got the good stuff. We just heard last night, from the next door neighbour, that Mama raccoon has another baby, - we suspected this. She seems to have it hidden in the back garden of the people opposite us, same as she did a year ago. The people opposite have apparently seen the baby, but we haven't seen it yet.
Karen Moen - Jun 06, 2008 12:55 AM EDT
Hi, just thought I'd mention that raccoons will eat cat and dog food, often going into yards and eating it from pet food bowls. Probably a better diet than doughnuts! Lol!
alandrapal - Feb 28, 2008 12:46 AM EDT
Hi again Karen, just found your message here too, thanks. We haven't seen her with any youngsters yet this year, - yours must be ahead of ours in this area, due to warmer climate there, I guess. Am hoping she won't have a baby this year, but can't control wild critters like we can with our housepets by having them neutered/spayed, so assume she will appear before long with a baby as she did last year. Unfortunately, it didn't survive very long, altho we don't know what became of it. It just didn't show up anymore after awhile, and just before it vanished, it had been limping a bit, altho it had improved the last time I saw it, - and it was running about so prettily in the back yard late that night. But guess she couldn't look after it properly and something happened to it.
alandrapal - Feb 28, 2008 12:41 AM EDT
thanks Alex : ) well, we feel sorry for the poor thing, she must have a hard time trying to find food and staying safe. Last nite, while out front with the labs, I spotted who I thought was probably "her", further down our crescent, - we'd been out all afternoon, so hadn't seen her that day. So brought the Labs in and went down the crescent with some donuts incase it was her, - it was, so here I am at 3 AM, feeding her donuts at the end of someone's driveway, lol. As a result, she didn't show up here in the daylight today.
Karen Moen - Feb 28, 2008 12:40 AM EDT
She is lucky to have you to provide a safe place to get a drink. Once her young go off on their own she will have a difficult time surviving. We have had three raccoon youngsters visiting our birdbath and tipping it over, so I finally put out a small plastic pan of water for them.
whittler113 - Feb 26, 2008 05:22 AM EDT
It looks like you are taking very good care of this critter,great shot.
alandrapal - Feb 25, 2008 07:34 PM EDT
Hi Cindy, thanks so much, so good to hear from you, have missed everyone at TLF. How are you and yours? I loved that eagle image you sent me, could you send it by regular email, as seem to have "lost" it at SU somehow : ) Such a stunning image that was. I dream of capturing something half as good. That's a cute idea about a movie of Mama Raccoon, never thought of that. Poor thing, I don't know how she manages. She did show up here this morning, so we were glad of that, as we missed seeing her yesterday, and she's been here without fail for many weeks. She loves donuts! - but just a certain type LOL. We ran out of that type, as we get them from a store farther away, (just for her) - and she wasn't keen on the ones we picked up locally : ) - maybe that's why she didn't show up here yesterday, haha
Cindy - Feb 25, 2008 07:26 PM EDT
Oh Alandra I'm so glad to see another photo of her. I think of her often and wonder how she is managing so its really nice to see she is still about. I reckon she needs a movie made about her! (she is quite a star)
alandrapal - Feb 25, 2008 06:06 PM EDT
thankyou, Jas, Carol and Ikka for the nice comments. Jas, They normally come out at nights, - if they come out during the daytime, there's often something "wrong", -- like in the case of this blind mother raccoon. She can't really compete with other raccoons at night, so she forages in the daytime when the others aren't around. At least, that's what we've observed around here. Quite often the mothers with new babies (when they first venture out with them) will also appear in late afternoon before the others come out at nights too, as they are trying to protect the babies. We never found out what became of this mama's single baby that used to guide her around last spring.
shutterbug - Feb 25, 2008 04:13 PM EDT
Glad to see this racoon is still around,lovely photo of him or her. Carol
Jas - Feb 25, 2008 06:27 AM EDT
Lovely close-up of the raccoon. Do they come out much during the day? We saw some in Key Largo, but they were only ever there at night, when it was more difficult to get a decent shot. I remember watching them in your garden when we stayed; they're really fascinating to watch.

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