Bird Pair among the Windflowers

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Member: alandrapal
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house sparrow pair among the windflowers, waiting to drink at fountain on front patio. Captured from open front window with telephoto lens.
"just sparrows" but its such a pretty scene.


Lanny - Sep 28, 2023 03:59 AM EDT
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alandrapal - Jun 09, 2008 01:09 AM EDT
that's a very encouraging comment, Cindy, and appreciated very much, and thank you. Am glad you enjoyed the images, - I looked at a lot of yours yesterday too, and really enjoyed them, - left some comments, hope you found them. Really like your layering technique, must get into that sometime (all we need is another lifetime,-- right? :) Have never even given layering a try yet! And I really loved seeing the image of you with your precious "grands". How young you look, too.
Cindy - Jun 08, 2008 03:32 AM EDT
Another perfect image Alandra. I've just been browsing alot of your images and every one is a stunner! You are very talented :) :)
Guest - Nov 03, 2007 10:54 PM EDT
thanks very much, Anne, for the nice comments. glad you enjoyed it.
Guest - Nov 03, 2007 05:36 PM EDT
What an enjoyable photo. The birds are very clear and the touches of color (flowers) about them make the picture very pleasing.
Guest - Aug 14, 2007 04:14 AM EDT
thankyou dear Wilma, - knew the kind comment was from you before even looking to see who wrote it! Those windflowers just do everything by themselves, we don't do anything to them. To be honest, I haven't done much at all to the garden since planting all the baskets etc earlier on, Madeson has done most of the watering each day. Just did a bit of dead heading a few days ago. Its looking a bit of a mess now, the best for this summer is over. The rain at "just the worst time" really messed things up. The Gloriosa daisies are doing well right now, so that's one thing.
Guest - Aug 14, 2007 12:25 AM EDT
I have these pink anemones blooming in my garden now Alandra, but none so gorgeous as yours. Where do you find the time to create such beautiful gardens and with such a wide variety of flowers? Lovely shot. Flowers and birds..can't be beat.
Guest - Aug 07, 2007 03:39 PM EDT
many thanks, Ikka, for the nice comments.
Guest - Aug 07, 2007 06:20 AM EDT
A wonderful natural image, Alandra, I like it.
Guest - Aug 07, 2007 02:34 AM EDT
thankyou dear friend, - nice to hear that you like it. What I did, (to see if it made much difference) before taking the images that day, was remove the protective filter from the lens front. Have never used the lens without it being on there before, but decided since I had the big lens hood on the end of the lens anyway, that would protect the lens. On my version of the image, it did seem to give a brighter colour and sharper image, so from time to time, am going to use the lenses minus their protective filters.
Guest - Aug 07, 2007 02:09 AM EDT
This is beautiful, Alandra. The house sparrows and wind flowers really complement each other. Stunning colors. Vicki
Guest - Aug 06, 2007 04:37 PM EDT
thanks Carol and Alex, glad you like it.
Guest - Aug 06, 2007 11:55 AM EDT
WOW!! very nice.
Guest - Aug 05, 2007 07:25 PM EDT
Lovely scene with the birds and the flowers; Beautiful pink flower. Carol
Guest - Aug 05, 2007 06:00 PM EDT
thanks Lorraine, - yes, the flowers really add to the photo. The birds use the flowers to land on before dropping down to the water below.
Guest - Aug 05, 2007 05:05 PM EDT
I think the flowers make this really pretty over all,
Guest - Aug 05, 2007 04:14 PM EDT
Hi Golda, many thanks. Yes, we were in town for all the fireworks, but the only glimpse I had was last night as we headed over the Cambie Bridge, towards home. Saw one big burst of lights in the distance :) I'd have loved to see all of the events, but can't hack the crowds and trying to get out of the area after it's all over. We heard all the "booming" noises tho' :) It must've been fabulous.
Guest - Aug 05, 2007 01:48 PM EDT
What a fine looking couple,and such beautiful surroundings.I am very behind in my comments,so I will say now that I love all your Vancouver night scenes.Where you in town for the fireworks?

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