Big Cat

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Member: Jas
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About This Image

This 'Big Cat' (I think it is a Puma) was residing in a zoo, in Naples, FL. I would much rather have seen the cat, in its natural habitat but it seemed happy enough.
Pumas are also known as Cougars and Mountain Lions.

It was quite awkward to eliminate the caging in front of the animal and this is the end result.

Thanks for looking. :)


Jas - Jan 29, 2009 02:46 PM EDT
Julie, Thank you so much for the comments you've left on this image; I found the information very interesting. I guess we all like to see these animals in their natural habitat but don't realise that some of them do stray towards civilsation, and, just how dangerous, to humans, they can be! This one looks really docile but I guess it's just because he's well fed? Thanks again for taking the time to look at my gallery and for leaving such interesting comments. :)
JulieMetott - Jan 29, 2009 01:07 AM EDT
Beautiful Shot but I hope to never cross one in the wild! I heard a cub crying out for its mother or hunting at my grandma's house late one night. Talk about an eerie sound that I never want to hear again. Supposedly they were extinct in the Adirondacks! DEC had to fess up after denying for years their exhistance despite sightings, until two were killed with DEC tatoos in their mouths. One was hit by car in my husband's hometown! They were released to kill the coyote population explosion! These predators are even more dangerous than the coyotes and have no fear of man! The Utica zoo where I interned have these Puma, lynx, Mountain Lions too. They are not handled unless heavily sedated and are fed with a very long pole through two layers of caging. Despite how dangerous they are I do admit these animals are magnificent to see!

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