Bald Eagle in local field

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Member: alandrapal
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this bald eagle had landed in a local field, along with several other eagles, including 2 immature eagles nearby, which we think were the offspring of this one.

I like that you can see a bit of the eagle's reflection in the water in the field.
Captured from open vehicle window, from quite a distance, with the telephoto lens, hand held.


alandrapal - Apr 02, 2008 03:09 AM EDT
Hi Karen, many thanks for the nice comments. They do get quite dirty looking sometimes in wintertime.
Karen Moen - Apr 01, 2008 07:24 AM EDT
Wow, its white feather are getting rather muddy! Guess it will have to take a dip in some clean water! Lol! Excellent sharp detail as it turned its head for a profile.
alandrapal - Mar 13, 2008 07:56 PM EDT
thanks for the nice comments, Jas. Yes, they really do have a certain "look" about them, - infact I always think they look quite angry. Suddenly realized I haven't replied to your previous email. sorry about this, will write soon. hope you and yours and auntie are all fine.
Jas - Mar 13, 2008 05:00 PM EDT
What a great shot of the eagle Alandra! I agree with you regarding the reflection in the water. I just love the profile of his head; it is very sharp and the eye is quite piercing. He really is looking very superior! :)
alandrapal - Mar 13, 2008 03:56 PM EDT
thankyou again Anne, for your nice comments. Glad you like it. Would have liked to have waited to see if the eagles took off, but we were parked on a very narrow shoulder next to the ditch beside the main highway, so weren't able to remain there very long, as vehicles were speeding past and "rocking" our vehicle. I was amazed that this eagle seemed to have heard the "click" from the camera shutter, from that distance, as it turned its head around at the sound of it. What hearing and what eyesight they have!
A.Lovely - Mar 13, 2008 10:57 AM EDT
Great capture Alandra. The textures of the grass and the reflection is wonderful. Clarity is tops as it shows the eagles feathers and facial features so nicely.

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