4 8 2014 Charlie's New Bed

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Score: 15.67
Views: 40
Member: Karen Moen
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About This Image

Charlie the Maine Coon Cat has outgrown his cat bed, so I bought him this plush dog bed.  This shows his ear tufts and hair tufts on his foot.


BNC Design GuruNovem

Pramath - Nov 25, 2015 09:11 AM EDT
BNC Design GuruNovember 19th, 2008Do you mean the bookmark icon? If so, it's set to be auttmaoically the header icon. Not sure why you'd want two different logos

courtney / hey g

Manu - Oct 13, 2015 04:58 PM EDT
courtney / hey girl, i didnt know you had a website! love it and the twins are adborale.i get my shirts for the boys at pixie stitch boutique online! hope things are well and call if you need anything!

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